

I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, believer, worshiper, and (sometimes) blogger! Yes, I juggle some of these roles on a daily basis just like some of you.  I believe that I can relate to your daily stories and testimonies. It’s my goal to inspire, encourage, and uplift women and men alike by sharing devotionals, insight, wisdom, personal testimonies, and encouragement as you face day-to-day. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, I am unashamed, I carry my cross, and I represent the love and gospel of Christ because I believe that’s what He’s called me to do. I’m on a journey to introduce others to His love and help them discover their purpose. Feel free to follow along this journey with me!

What is Fashioned With Purpose?


I founded and started this blog in January 2013. At the time, I was completing a fast and found myself worshiping God and falling in love with Him more and more. I drowned out a lot of distractions and dedicated time to spend in His presence. During my 60-day fast, the Lord began speaking to me in ways that I never stopped to acknowledge before. Something within me was burning and my hunger to grow in Christ became stronger. I began writing in a journal to document every encounter spent in his presence. I wanted to share those experiences with the hope of inspiring others. So, I thought why not start a blog? I was fearful, inexperienced, and nervous all at the same time, but I mustered the courage to do it. So, Fashioned With Purpose was released out of adoration and reverence ! I hope to not only inspire but to help you find your purpose. You have a gift within. There’s a calling on your life and I don’t believe that you found this blog by coincidence.

God has made you and FASHIONED you! You were perfectly created and shaped into his image and likeness. Once, you succumb to what He has called you to be, you will begin to experience the blessings and the promises that He has just for you!

I pray that this blog blesses you and encourages you. I pray that He sends a rushing wind of glory upon you. I pray that His sweet and gentle presence is felt right where you are. I pray that He stirs up the gifts, the talents, and the burning Holy Spirit Fire inside of you! He has a special plan for you! There is something that He wants to show you. There is something He wants to tell you. I pray that the words on this page move through you to start a burning passion within. If you already walk in relationship with Christ, I want to urge you to keep your flame lit! If you used to have a relationship and desire for God and somehow yielded and took a detour off the path He planned for you, I pray that you are reignited with a passion for Him because…

You Are_script4

